FFA – Food Assistance for Asset Program

The FFA program aims to ensure conditional cash for assistance to cover additional food needs and support the capacity strengthening of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese and at the same time contribute to the development and livelihoods of local host communities through producing, rehabilitating and maintaining community public assets.

Partenr/sLocationYear StartYear End
BMZ – Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany) & WFP – World Food ProgrammeSouth01/07/2017Ongoing

Beneficiary Number

33 villages & 2750 workers (50% Lebanes and 50% Syrians


• Objective 1: Improved short-term food security to vulnerable refugees and Lebanese households through cash transfers activities.
• Objective 2: increased access to productive and educational assets such as water ponds, public educational gardens, forests of economic benefits…etc
• Objective 3: Decreased reliance on negative coping mechanisms and contribute to social stabilization and cohesion.

Budget : 3,781,100